Area Rugs Care

With proper care and maintenance steps, you can easily keep your area rugs looking attractive.

Area Rug Care

To reduce the amount of wear to your rugs, keep mats in front of entrances to scrape footwear before entering the home, and have footwear removed by the door. Keep pet nails and claws trim to prevent snags to the rug fibers and brush pets frequently to reduce dander. Vacuum with a suitable model for your rug constructions as often as you can to remove dirt and debris before they become abrasive particles.

Area Rug Care | SP Floors & Design Center
Treating Spills On Area Rugs | SP Floors & Design Center

Area Rug Spills & Stains

Although spills on your rugs are never desired, you don’t have to stress about stains when you take prompt action! First, gently lift any solid material with a spoon and paper towels or dry, clean cloth. Next, blot the stain with a clean, dry white cloth and warm water, working from the outside of the spill towards the center. Treat the spot with a gentle carpet-specific cleaner as needed. We also recommend having your rugs professionally cleaned once annually as part of your overall rug care strategy.

Area Rug Pads

Using area rug pads under your favorite pieces will have a tremendous benefit to the amount of care and maintenance you have to complete. In addition to reducing the impact of foot traffic, area rug pads help keep rugs in place. This will allow the rug to wear more evenly across the entire surface, as well as help your rugs to wear slower over time. When you purchase area rug pads from SP Floors & Design Center, you are prolonging the life of your rug's stellar appearance and taking a key step in making your area rug care routine that much easier!