Area Rug Pads

In addition to helping you find area rugs to uplift every room, we can help match them with the ideal area rug pads.

Area Rug Pads In McMurray, PA

For enhanced performance and to reduce wear, using area rug pads under your favorite pieces will make a world a difference. No matter the location, from your inspired interiors to outdoor spaces, we have the area rug pad for you to utilize.

Area Rug Pads | SP Floors & Design Center

General Rug Pads

General rug pads are made from a slip-resistant webbed material and largely prevent your rug from sliding out from underneath you when you step on it. You can order a roll and cut it to size or order a pre-cut pad in the specific size you need.

Premium Rug Pads

Premium felt or polyester-blend pads are coated to help them stick to the floor, offering extra protection against movement. They also help to prevent scratches under the rug and are best for adding comfortable padding.

Area Rugs Care & Maintenance

Although a lot can happen in the average household during a typical week, you can still easily maintain the incredible appearance of your carpet. There are plenty of preventative steps that you can take to reduce maintenance. Also, when you effectively remove dirt and debris as frequently as possible, your carpet receives less wear and tear. When spills and accidents do occur, you can keep permanent stains from forming by promptly treating them with proper care.